Ezechiel Kabanga had grown up in the Katanga Province and was working in Sakania (a city near Lubumbashi) mining cobalt, magnesium, copper, and coal. Suddenly, in 1993, he was ordered to leave. Kabanga told us that many Baluba were beaten, others burned alive, and some even buried in latrine holes before they could escape. They were stuffed in train cars, where many died of suffocation and starvation, especially women and children. Eventually, after a long journey, they arrived in Mbuji-Mayi. Kabanga and his family were among the survivors. A devout Christian, Kabanga began to evangelize and plant churches throughout the interior of the province. Today, Pastor Kabanga serves as the academic secretary of the Mbuji-Mayi Bible School. He is also the provincial superintendent of the Assemblies of God for the entire Kasaï-Oriental Province!