The first Congolese missionaries who tried to bring the gospel into the Maï-Ndombe Region faced tremendous resistance and persecution—some were even killed. However, in 1990 an Assemblies of God Bible school graduate named Moïse Beyumu went to the area with a vision to establish a strong evangelistic work in Nioki. He started Golgotha Evangelistic Center and has been instrumental in planting many new churches in the area. But because of the lack of access to Bible school training, in 2006 there were still only five trained AG pastors in all of northern Bandundu.

Nioki Bible School
Project #4879
Location: Bandundu Province
Size: 114,154 square miles (<Ivory Coast)
Population: 5.6 million
AG Churches in 2006: 309
Trained AG pastors in 2006: 5
Nioki Bible School Extension
Strategically located in the most unevangelized region of northern Bandundu, the Nioki Bible School Extension is making a tremendous impact in this dark area that has been oppressed by witchcraft for generations. As graduates are sent out each year to evangelize and plant churches, this area is being shaken by the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ! Graduation ceremonies [see video] in Nioki are more like open-air evangelistic campaigns where the gospel is preached, the sick are healed, and newly trained pastors and church planters are launched into the harvest field.
“We are excited to be training missionaries to reach the pygmy tribes of the Kutu, Inongo, and Kiri territories of northern Bandundu.”
-Rev. Moïse Beyumu