Mbandaka Bible School

Mbandaka church leaders
Mbandaka church leaders

The Assemblies of God was first established in the Equateur Province in 1980. Since that time nearly 150 AG churches have been planted. But, in 2006, there were still only five trained AG pastors in the entire province, which is the size of the state of California. During a leadership conference we held in Mbandaka that year, provincial church leaders told us that they had been waiting 26 years for Bible school training to be made accessible in their province. We were determined to do everything we could to make that a reality.

Equateur Province

Mbandaka Bible School
Project #4878

Location: Equateur Province
Size: 155712 square miles (>Zimbabwe)
Population: 8.5 million
AG Churches in 2006: 144
Trained AG Pastors in 2006: 5

Mbandaka Bible School graduates
Mbandaka Bible School graduates

Mbandaka Bible School Extension

From its inception in 2006, this Bible school extension has been bursting at the seams. With almost 20 years of training now behind it, it has proven itself to be a viable ministry training center that is fueling the fires of evangelism and church planting in the Equateur Province.

Mbandaka Bible School campus
Architect’s rendition of the Mbandaka Bible School campus

Mbandaka Bible School Construction

Construction on the phase-one academic building in Mbandaka was completed in 2009. This building provides two large classrooms, a library, and office space. Although the campus is not yet finished, this building serves as an important base of operations for leadership training efforts throughout the Equateur Province.