We are now training more than 500 students for ministry in some of the most remote corners of the country that have been oppressed by witchcraft, animism, and false religions for generations. To date, more than 1,000 have graduated from our three-year training program, providing the first influx of trained leadership that the national church has ever seen in the remote interior. But there are still hundreds of churches without a trained pastor, hundreds of villages without a church, and millions who have not yet heard. We need your help to finish the unfinished task of reaching this nation of more than 100 million with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Historically, the national church in DR Congo has found that wherever Bible school training has been established, an explosion of evangelism and church planting has followed in the surrounding areas. We believe that Bible school training is a strategic key to reaching this nation.

Together we can provide these students with the facilities they need, that will enable them to equip others, plant new churches, reach the unreached, and minister to the desperate needs of their people. Together we can help reach the heart of Africa.